Updated 03/11/2018 [A transfer-in of a .uk domain into Azure is not currently supported as the IPSTAG is required by Nominet on the existing provider side. I assume it would be GODADDY when transferring into Azure. The Azure portal will be updated soon to support UI based migrations]


If you have some domain names registered with say 123-reg or another provider and want to migrate/transfer the ownership into Azure , you can do this with the supported top level domains: com , net , co.uk , org , nl , in , biz , org.uk , and co.in (as documented here: Buy a custom domain name for Azure Web Apps.


Some of the reasons you might want to do this:

  • Take advantage of Microsoft Azure’s flat rate pricing, for all domains, that they have agreed with GoDaddy
  • Single console to control domains, DNS, traffic manager, web sites (app service) etc. etc.
  • Better automation/api functionality (in my opinion) than what some of the domain name hosting companies offer.


There are a few blogs on the internet on how to achieve this with PowerShell using:

New-AzureRmResource -ResourceType Microsoft.DomainRegistration/domains  

like on Jos Liebens site.


However, like others had commented, I also received this error back after running appropriate PoSh:

New-AzureRmResource : {"Code":"BadRequest","Message":"Parameter domain is null or empty.","Target":null,"Details":[{"Message":"Parameter domain is null or empty."},{"Code":"BadRequest"},{"ErrorEntity":{"ExtendedCode":"51011","MessageTemplate":"Parameter {0} is null or empty.","Parameters":["domain"],"Code":"BadRequest","Message":"Parameter domain is nullor empty."}}],"Innererror":null}  

So seems there maybe a bug with this AzureRM cmdlet? I couldn’t see this domain property mentioned in the Microsoft.DomainRegistration/domains documentation.


The Microsoft Azure REST API.

There are probably other ways to initiate a domain name transfer into Azure using the REST API, but I found this way to be pretty simple.

  1. Go to the Domains - Create Or Update page where you interact with the API from the Microsoft docs page.

  2. Click on the ‘Try it’ button and login with your Azure AD credentials. ( I have global admin permissions in my tenant ).

  3. Add the mandatory parameters:
    resourceGroupName - where the App Service object will be created
    domainName - the domain name you are migrating from another provider into Azure
    api-version - I left this as default domain_transfer_params

  4. For a domain transfer, I used the following body:
    Note: some of the properties are mandatory/required

  location: "Global",  
  properties: {  
   contactAdmin: "Jack Rudlin",  
   contactBilling: "Jack Rudlin",  
   contactRegistrant: "Jack Rudlin",  
   contactTech: "Jack Rudlin",  
   privacy: "True",  
   autoRenew: "True",  
   authCode: "q\\1u{b=wbY9bNT193iNS",  
   Consent: {  
    agreedAt: "2018-10-21T20:10:40",  
    agreedBy: "",  
    agreementKeys: ["DNPA","DNTA"]  


You should get a 202 response back if the post was successful

Note: Don’t forget to escape your JSON! Check the authCode. I had a backslash \ in mine so I had to escape it with an additional \

  1. In the Azure Resource Group that you specified in the earlier parameters, the App Service should be listed with the domain name you are transferring: rg

  2. A day or two later, the annual charge for the domain hosting service should be taken from your Azure funds: azure domain cost

  3. Finally once the domain transfer has been successfully completed, you will get access to manage the domains DNS:

  4. Post domain transfer you’ll probably want to migrate your DNS and then web services.

I quite liked using the REST API post method from the browser. In an enterprise environment, I can immediately see these benefits:

  • Browser supports authenticated proxies natively - PowerShell has issues with this
  • No need to download/install modules for PowerShell
  • No local administrator rights required
  • I guess the Azure cloud shell is similar, but that requires a storage account and has an additional cost association